Fine Leg to Fine Leg

Fine Leg to Fine Leg is the worst fielding duty a cricketer can be given by his captain, where he has to hide the fielder at fine leg from both ends even if it means making him run the length of the field between overs. This cricket podcast is hosted by Australian comedian and former fine leg to fine leg fielder Suraj Kolarkar. Every week he will have guests ranging from comedians, former cricketers, broadcasters and people who just live for cricket. So get your pads on and get in there, cause you're facing the first ball.

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Fawad Defense

Sunday Aug 16, 2020

Sunday Aug 16, 2020

The first episode of Fine Leg to Fine Leg! My guest Gareth has pissed off an ESPN cricket Journo, who sent him an essay as a reply to a tweet. We talk England-Pakistan, we talk all things cricket and we get the first episode going off with a blast. 
Yes, every episode title is going to be a horrendous pun of a cricketer's name. 
Cheers, Suraj

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